Modi-Guarantee – new narrative for 2024 general election

Modi-Guarantee – new narrative for 2024 general election, why I start with term is will be explained here. 3rd December is a historic day in India as BJP won 3 major states and increased its tally in 1 southern state. As per Poll Gurus, BJP was expected to give only fight in Madhya Pradesh, rest all states they were expected to lose. Once result was announced on 3rd Dec, everyone was shocked as BJP won with clear majority in 3 states but also won with big margins in terms of seats.

With this result Opposition main agenda of caste-based census is destroyed by Modi. Modi successfully created new narrative for 2024 general election which is also around caste, but new definition of caste is Poor, Farmer, Women & Youth. With this Modi build a trust with people of India, Modi always talk to people directly with his Weekly podcast (Mann Ki Baat).

Modi-Guarantee – New Narrative for 2024 General Election
Modi-Guarantee – New Narrative for 2024 General Election

for Modi-Guarantee – new narrative for 2024 general election, this Trust was built over the years specially since 2014 when he first elected as a Prime Minister of India. Without financial Inclusion of Poor people of India, it is not possible to share benefits with them directly, so process of financial inclusion started with opening of Bank account for Poor people, till today 500 Million Jan Dhan account has been opened across India. This was the baby step for financial inclusion.

In this process, he provided Free gas connection (Ujjwala Yojana) to Poor People, till today total 100 million free gas connection is provided. He also dreamed of provided free houses to Poor people, approx. 10.54 million houses have been approved by Modi. No more electric cuts if Dream of Modi has, few years back last village of India is also having electricity. Tap water also reaching to Poor People of India and Many more schemes are for poor people, farmer, Women & Youth. Opps I forgot 1 more which is very Important, and scheme is free ration for 800 million People of India for next 5 years.

As I explained above of Modi schemes, with this he builds Trust. One of Major decision of Modi was to Implement Demonetization, which could have been a nightmare but he handle this situation easily due to Trust he builds with People directly. Can you Imagine if you Implement GST and you again come back to Power? not possible all government failed in world after GST Implementation but Modi did opposite.

1 More factor which is DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) means Government benefit will be transferred to your account directly no middle men involved. There is famous quote from Previous Prime Minister Sri Rajiv Ghandhi, that only 15 % reason to Poor People of 100 rupees are sent by Government. You can imagine how easy it is now.

With Implementation of UPI, India is Digital most progressive country in world. You can even pay 5 rupees digitally to any food vendor or anyone. UPI can highest 432 million transactions in a day, simply Wow!

Modi has set new narrative convincingly about new caste definition i.e. Poor, Women, Youth & Farmer. He singles handedly destroyed Opposite agenda of caste-based census. One more narrative is set automatically I.e., Congress is party of south as it has only 1 state in whole of north India.

Modi-Guarantee – new narrative for 2024 general election ! Watch full speech

Below is new Manta of Modi, setup after victory of 5 state election. “Modi Sarkar Meri Sarkar” narrative with “Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Viswas” & “Modi hai to Mumkin hai”.

Modi and his team have already won semi-final of 2024 general election and start 2024 general election preparation. Many more slogans and schemes will be announced soon to fulfill dreams of poor, farmer, youth and women.

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