
Modi listen when Chanda Devi speaks – Surprised and Shocked

Modi listen when Chanda Devi speaks

Modi listen when Chanda Devi speaks, this happened on 18th Dec while PM Modi met beneficiaries of scheme “lakhpati didi” in Varanasi. PM Modi listen her speech carefully and praised her speech. PM Modi asked other details of her family, income and her life etc. Chanda Devi is only 12th Pass, but her confidence speak something else. During the interaction PM shared his vision of rural India, his dream is to make 2 crore women a “lakhpati”. This is a dream to watch out and this will help India to grow even faster and help in vision of PM Modi to make India a developed nation by 2040.

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Impressed with her speech.

While talking to people benefiting from government programs, PM Modi met Chanda Devi, whose life improved with the “lakhpati didi” scheme. Impressed by how well she spoke, PM Modi asked if she’d think about running for elections. Chanda devi was very confident during her interaction with PM Modi. PM Modi asked about her kids and inquired about their studies. Chanda Devi has a dream of sending her kids to collage if her financial condition will be stable. PM Modi raised concern that if she is able to focus on Kids as she is running self-help group, to which she replied that yes, she is taking care of entire family including kids.

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Who is Chanda Devi

Chanda Devi belongs to the Radha Mahila Sahayata Samooh, a self-help group that played a key role in her transition from financial struggles to independence. She shared with the Prime Minister how a Rs 15,000 loan kickstarted her successful vegetable farming business. This not only helped her repay the loan but also greatly enhanced her family’s living standards. Chanda Devi is currently saving over 1 lakhs annually. She is 12th Pass and currently part of “lakhpati didi” scheme run by government.

New Business Idea

During the Interaction with Chanda Devi, PM Modi proposed an idea to avoid waste during marriages. In today’s India, people are eating while standing and they are taking food by their own hands and due to crowd, they always take more and more in one go, this leads to food waste. Idea of PM Modi it to create a group of people who will help distribute food during marriage ceremony while maintaining proper hygiene. This will solve many problems.

New Business Idea benefit

While focusing on solving food waste during marriage ceremony, Modi proposed solution of a big food waste problem, and this will solve multiple problems instead of one.

  1. Avoid food waste
  2. Extra Income
  3. New Business
  4. Women empowerment
  5. Reduction in Malnutrition

Modi listen when Chanda Devi speaks: New Idea for young Entrepreneurs.

While this Idea looks simple and we have seen in many marriages people are there to serve, but it is not present in most of the marriages, and this leads to shortage of food and food waste. This Idea can be used by young Entrepreneurs and there can be a formal guidelines and people who can teach these guideline to many small group who arrange marriages. India is a growing nation and in next 10 years many marriage planner companies will grow and this business can be of great help to team employee of these companies, how to handle food waste and avoid.

Integration with Kids

PM Modi, also interacted with kids

Modi listen when Chanda Devi speaks: Conclusion

Finally, Chanda Devi credits her accomplishments to the assistance provided by government schemes supported by the Prime Minister. For India people this conversation will remembered as “Modi listen when Chanda Devi speaks” and this is a testimony that PM Modi is not doing one way communication but heart to heart communication with common people.

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